ARASHI no kazoku

ARASHI no kazoku

Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

My Fanfic, InooBu, You're My Idol

My Precious Artist
伊野慧         Inoo Kei
籔公太            Yabu Kouta
八乙女光        Yaotome Hikaru

Inoo found out that he loves Yabu, but he must go away from him because he don't want to ruin his life..

Arashi Fanfic "Perfect Boyfriend", Day 1

Title: The Perfect Boyfriend 
Genre: Romance/fluff
Rating: PG
 Sakumiya, Ohmiya, Matsumiya, Aimiya
Disclaimer: I hope they’re my collection.. And unfortunately not.
Summary: It’s annoying to have everyone bugging you, but it’s definitely their way say that they love you. You love them too, do you?

Arashi Fanfic "Perfect Boyfriend", Prologue

Title: The Perfect Boyfriend 
Genre: Romance/fluff
Rating: PG
Pairing: Sakumiya, Ohmiya, Matsumiya, Aimiya
Disclaimer: I hope they’re my collection.. And unfortunately not.
Summary: It’s annoying to have everyone bugging you, but it’s definitely their way say that they love you. You love them too, do you?

(Well, I back with another fic. Recently I always ended up with a term ‘perfect’ so I think how about writing this because I have time. As usual, I’m sorry for too many typo and grammar mistake. English is not my mother language, btw. Enjoy… n_n)